Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Françoise Baude: member of the editorial board of the Techniques et Sciences Informatique French journal from feb 2011, program committee member of HPCS 2013, ISPA 2013, reviewer for HPCS 2012 special issue journal Concurrency Practice and Experiment to be published in 2013, for JPDC, PC member for Compas 2014, ISPA2014 and CCGrid 2014, University of Nice official representative within the KIC EIT ICT Labs, including the Master school, from 2012.

  • Olivier Dalle: member of the Steering Committee of SIMUTools (since 2009), member of the Program Committee of the Conferences DEVS/TMS'2013, WSC'2013, ACM SIGSIM PADS'2013, HPC&S 2013, Omnet++2013, reviewer for SIMULATION (SCS), ACM TOMACS, SIMPRA (Elsevier) and JOS (Palgrave).

  • Ludovic Henrio: program committee member of FESCA'13, FOCLASA'13, ICE'13 and reviewer for the journal SCP (Science of Computer Programming), DIST, and STVR.

  • Fabien Hermenier: program committee member of VTDC and PDP (energy efficiency track) and reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Journal of Software: Practice and Experiment, Journal of Systems and Software.

  • Fabrice Huet : program committee member of HPDC 2013, CCGrid 2013, Big Data 2013.

  • Eric Madelaine: member of the steering committees of the FACS and FMCO symposia, member of the program committee of FACS'13, and of the Science of Computer Programming (SCP) journal.